make yourself at home

Beloit’s a welcoming place

伯洛伊特的社区友好、热情、紧密、活跃、支持和包容. (And many more adjectives, too!)

Put simply, 下面是你找到你的人的地方——你的东西(或), as the case may be, many things). 

  • 92%
    of first-year students live on campus
  • 18
    NCAA Division III varsity teams
  • 10
  • 40+
    Clubs and organizations


We are multi-hyphenates

Beloiters are artists and athletes, poets and pragmatists, dancers and data analysts, economists and environmentalists. And we suspect you are, too.

Get involved

三名学生在枫叶工作室演奏鼓、吉他和钢琴. With dozens of clubs and organizations 选择——以及创造自己的能力——beloiter不会停留太久. They design sets for student-directed plays, toss discs with the Beloit Ultimate Frisbee Family, host a WBCR radio show with their friends, 3D print in the Maker Lab, and host charity bake sales for their sorority. (当然,所有这些都是在努力学习的基础上的.)

学生可以在他们的俱乐部和组织中创建自己的活动, 或者作为学生组织的志愿者 Programming Board or by working in the 学生参与与领导力(SEAL) office. Every week, Beloiters schedule Medieval sword fighting tournaments (seriously), scrapbooking sessions, game nights, salsa lessons, parties, and even special trips 在春假和秋假期间去苹果园或附近的城市.

Show up

Beloiters care about each other. A lot. 他们的朋友和同学参加了一年一度的“影子剧团” Rocky Horror Picture Show, perform their own compositions developed in their performing arts course, perform standup comedy, or present a project about ecofeminism in Jurassic Park at Symposium Day. 他们与在大学里认识的校友保持联系 international politics class — and run into them downtown.

婚外恋者也知道在场上和场下成为一名团队成员是什么感觉. About a third of our students are Beloit Buccaneers与来自世界各地的队友建立联系. Their teams are their campus families, 作为运动员和学生,互相督促,让自己成为最好的自己. 球迷参加体育赛事为他们的球队加油. That’s just the Beloiter way.

Let loose

Students playing billiards at C-Haus. 婚外恋者喜欢他们的特别活动,我们提供了很多: Folk ‘n’ Blues 是从70年代就开始的音乐节吗. Classes are canceled on Spring Day 庆祝期待已久的四月转暖. During the fall’s Beloit and Beyond and the spring’s Student Symposium,学生们分享他们的研究,实习和 study abroad 在大学社区的经历. 所有这些活动都打破了校园的障碍,使学生彼此之间和更大的社区更加紧密.

其他受欢迎的空间是游戏区和休息室 the Powerhouse, our student union, and at C-Haus,校园表演空间和酒吧. Our students love movie nights, pub trivia, academic lectures, open mics, and concerts. At the Powerhouse, they can work out, play pool, go for a swim, and game with friends.

Be well

你的健康——在任何意义上——都是我们的首要任务. 教职员工在课堂内外欢迎并支持每一位学生. 获得高质量的医疗保健(从疾病到伤害再到性健康), counseling, 和其他形式的支持是不可分割的一部分 Health and Wellness Center. 校园是一个开放和欢迎所有性别,文化和身份的环境.

Experience Beloit, the city

Lucy's No. 汉堡吧是伯洛伊特学生的最爱. 伯洛伊特社区远远超出了校园的边缘. Downtown Beloit is your playground, home to local businesses, restaurants, cafes, mom and pop grocery stores, beautiful parks, 还有该州第二大农贸市场. Walmart, Woodmans (a local grocer), 大卖场和连锁餐厅都在10分钟车程之内. 学院在整个学年都提供频繁的往返沃尔玛的班车,以帮助学生获得必需品.

Through Impact Beloit在美国,学生们在无数的社区组织工作、做志愿者和实习 Beloit Sky Carp minor league baseball team, the Stateline Literacy Council, hospitals, the League of Women Voters, the Welty Environmental Center以及其他非营利组织和当地企业. 这座城市甚至有一个著名的孵化器 Irontek.

伯洛伊特也完美地位于其他几个大小城市之间. Janesville, Wis., and Rockford, Ill., 都在半小时车程之内吗, providing great restaurants, shops, parks, and things to do. 多亏了方便实惠的Van Galder巴士,你可以在离校园很近的地方乘坐, Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago are a quick ride away.

Feel at home

How students move through housing at Beloit is intentional. There’s something for everyone, 你可以随心所欲地体验各种各样的住房.

大多数一年级学生和许多二年级学生都有一个(或两个)室友!) in one of five halls: 609 Emerson, Aldrich, Brannon, Chapin, or Maurer. Each one has its own flavor, with amenities that include sinks, split double rooms, extra-fancy lounges, single-gender or mixed gender floors, 通过奥尔德里奇和布兰农的地下隧道进入食堂. (Trust me, it’s nice.)

从那里开始,许多贝洛伊特人开始扩展,生活和领导一个组织 special interest house比如“人类之家”、“艺术与舞蹈之家”或“西班牙之家”. Others live in their fraternity or sorority house, or one of our three on-campus apartment-style buildings. 少数高年级学生选择在校外租房. 大多数建筑物都有厨房, 让学生们在不吃东西(或者和朋友聊一两个小时)的时候聚在一起.

你的成长不仅仅发生在课堂上. 在学生生活的每个角落和缝隙, 你会遇到来自全国各地和世界各地的多元化学生群体,他们会挑战你, support you, collaborate with you, and become your friends for life.


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